According to the US Census Bureau, 65% of households participate in exchanging greeting cards for Valentine’s Day. How about giving something different this year? Make your loved one feel special by creating a unique and personalized magazine cover that really says you care. Not only is it easy to do, but it’s also fast and affordable!
YourCover.com has many different magazine cover templates to choose from, each one allowing you to customize your magazine cover headlines so that they are all about the one you love and the time you’ve shared.
Valentine’s Day is only a month away so design a cover at YourCover.com and make this year’s celebration of love unforgettable.
Creating a personalized magazine cover at YourCover is easy and fun. Choose one of over 20 magazine cover templates, upload your photo and personalize the title and headlines to be all about your "cover star". If you are looking for unique photo gifts or are in need of a romantic gift idea (Valentine's is only a month away) - YourCover is the answer you seek.
It's easy to get started, simply click on the link below and you're on your way to the unique personalized gift you've been searching for! Create Magazine Cover
Using the online design system and magazine cover templates at YourCover.com is easy: a default title and headline will appear and you can leave them as is or change them to be more specific to your recipient. Personalized magazine covers are fun birthday gifts for guys or a great gift for grandparents. Our fake magazine covers are affordable and are a great last minute gift because you can make it, print it and give it all on the same day.
The editor over at Nicole's Nickels reviewed YourCover and included us in their recent Holiday Gift Guide. We're thrilled that they felt that the personalized magazine covers available at YourCover.com fit the bill as a unique photo gift for this holiday season.
Take a look at Nicole's Nickels Holiday Guide - they have lots of other good ideas too.
You will find that the magazine cover templates available at YourCover.com are a great way to get started on creating all sorts of unique photo gifts for all kinds of occasions. Whether it is the holidays, or you are looking for unique gifts for mom or a gift for the grandparents or perhaps a romantic gift idea or some clever birthday gifts for guys - you will find that the personalized magazine covers created at YourCover are so unique that you can use them for every sort of celebration.
We look forward to helping you celebrate all the wonderful people and special events in your life!
Watch the Parents TV Gift Guide video.
We were so honored to be included in this gift guide. In the video, host Juli Auclair, mentions how easy it is to create a unique personalized gift from the magazine cover templates on the YourCover site. She mentions that YourCover is a great gift for grandparents and that you can make fake magazine covers at YourCover for all sorts of occasions. We hope you agree - why not get started on your personalized magazine cover today?
Use the magazine cover templates in the YourCover design system to create a unique personalized gift featuring your photo with custom headlines all about your cover star's life. It's an affordable gift that's as unique as the person for whom it's made.
The magazine cover templates at YourCover.com allow you to customize your magazine cover headlines so that each one reflects something special about the recipient along with loving memories of your time together. A personalized magazine cover is very romantic gift idea that says "I love you" because you took the time to create a gift that is as unique as your love.
Design a magazine cover at YourCover today!
The last step in creating this unique personalized gift is to customize each headline of the magazine cover. You can use the default headlines that automatically appear on your magazine cover, or modify them slightly to fit your cover star's story, or use one of our suggestions for headlines, or write one of your own. You can be as detailed or as simple or as creative as you want - it's up to you.
Have fun and if you have any questions about using the magazine cover templates at YourCover - just send us an email or give us a call - we're happy to help!
Halloween is in a few days,Do you have your costume ready? If you don't, that's okay. You still have plenty of time to get yourself together, and not just you, but your pet too!
If you have never dressed up your pet before, there are a lot of options for your furry little friend that everyone will get a great kick out of! It's a great photo op for any animal lover and their best friend to get dressed up in their Halloween finest :o)
All animal owners have special memories of their pet but some are forgotten! So why not make a keepsake of those hysterical Halloween moments with a YourCover personalized magazine cover? It's the perfect unique personalized gift for any animal lover, whether for yourself, a very special friend, or a family member. Upload up to six photos of the memories that you have shared with one another, and as headlines, tell about all the funny things the pet does that drives the owner crazy. e.g. chewing on their shoes or running full speed into the sliding door! Those crazy and cute Halloween moments are among the many reasons why you love your pet so much, so don't forget them! YourCover helps you remember all the great times shared, so get started now to create a unique photo gift with a YourCover Pet Issue!

It doesn't matter if it is for your high-school sweetheart, best friend, mother or even your boss; we have asked these questions of ourselves and have compiled a list of easy ways to let your creativity reign so that you can give the perfect gift! Remember giving is one of the treasures in life, so do it right and make it memorable. Below is a sampling of some our personalized gift ideas, click the link to see the full list.
5) Keep Your Eyes And Ears Open
You never know when the perfect gift will present (pun intended) itself. Be a careful observer, and take notice of expressions of desire when they say, "Oh, I just love this!" Go home and write it down or send it in an email to yourself so you don't forget. The fact that you noticed and remembered something that they expressed interest in will certainly be ‘big points’ in your favor.
9) Location, Location, Location!
Not just for real estate, but also for the creative gift giver that wants to add the element of surprise to their gift. Add excitement to the whole experience by placing your gift in a spot where the recipient will find it. The spot you choose can have something to do with the gift itself or the spot can relate directly to your relationship.
10) Any Day Is A Good Day
You don't have to give a gift only on designated holidays or occasions, sometimes the best days are the unexpected ones. Catch the person on a Monday or an early morning Sunday just waking up, any day you pick will be a good 'Just thinking of you' day.
To see all 12 suggestions, please visit: 12 Ways To Give The Perfect Gift