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Wed, 05/26/2010 - 15:28 by admin
My brother just graduated this past weekend.  CONGRATS BRO!  It's so nice and exciting to have him home again!  

Instant Gift - Graduation Magazine CoverThis is the season for graduates and college students to come home!  I'm sure many of you have great pictures of the graduates in your family!  I know my mom and aunt couldn't put the camera down.  Instead of just sharing these photos on Facebook, use those photos to make a a truly unique personalized gift.  

Custom gift ideas like a YourCover photo magazine cover are a great way to make a graduation celebration even more special!  You can add little details about your graduate such as his/her studying tips,  his/her weird eating habits (the ones you only develop being at school), his/her plans for the future... these great little tidbits are what make a YourCover magazine cover so wonderful.  It's so much more than just a photograph and with our downloadable option, this makes for a great instant gift.  Design it, print it - all from your own computer desk in just a manner of minutes.

A Graduation, whether from kindergarten, high school, college or grad school, is a momentous occasion. Making and giving a YourCover custom magazine cover would be the icing on the cake.   
Tue, 05/25/2010 - 20:11 by admin

YourCover Video ChannelWe just filmed the first YourCover personalized magazine covers video featuring a couple of the faces from YourCover!  It will be up soon, with many more to follow!  Become our YourCover magazine cover friend on Facebook to check out the videos on our Facebook page.  Not only will you have access to many of our YCTV [YourCover TV] videos on our page, but updates on the best birthday gift ideas and latest steals and deals from YourCover!

You can also check out our YouTube channel and right here on our blog as we post our videos for you to watch and enjoy!  So stay tuned for YCTV for your entertainment and don't forget to visit us at

Mon, 05/24/2010 - 17:48 by admin
By the time your parents become grandparents, they are usually pretty well established and already own most of the things they need.  It can be a really tough call to come up with unique gift ideas for someone who doesn't really need anything.  So what we always suggest is that you give a gift that is highly personalized.  What is that grandparents love the most - why their grandchildren of course!

That's why we now offer the GRAND personalized magazine cover for grandparents in GRAND Magazine Cover - Unique Gift For Grandparentsconjunction with GRAND, the online grandparents magazine!  This customized magazine cover looks just like the real GRAND magazine but using our online design system you can customize it with a photo of the grandchildren, or better yet, a photo of the grandparents with their grandchildren.  This unique gift for grandparents is something they will treasure especially after you have personalized the headlines to be all about them and the fun times and happy memories they have shared with their grandchildren.

Give a GRAND magazine cover a try - we think you'll agree that it is a completely unique and memorable gift for grandparents that they will treasure for years to come.  Just choose GRAND from the among the magazine cover themes as you begin to create your gift. 
Fri, 05/21/2010 - 19:00 by admin
Personalized Magazine Cover-Unique Gifts for PetIt may seem crazy to some, but to animal is not crazy at all.  Once you bring a new pet into your home, they become a member of the family...the newest addition!  One to spoil with an enormous amount of attention, dress them up in ridiculous outfits and of course snuggle with on the couch at night.  To those who don't have a pet, you don't have to own one to understand.  I'm sure you have witnessed first hand from friends or family who have behaved in this fashion.

Whether you are witnessing the love or experiencing it, I'm sure you have a bunch of photos showing the quirky things your pet has done or at least showing how cute they are.  Why not create a personalized magazine cover as a gift or for yourself in honor of your beloved pet!? 

Using YourCover's custom magazine cover creation tool, you can turn that special photo of your dog, cat or bird into their very own magazine cover!  Keep in mind that, even though National Pet Month might be over [April 3-May3],  personalized pet magazine covers makes the best birthday gift ideas for friends and family!
Other national pet events:
  • National Dog Day August 26th
  • National Dog Week - Last week of September
  • Adopt-a-dog Month - October 1-31
  • National Cat Day October 29
Visit YourCover Personalized Magazine Covers to get started on your Pet Magazine Cover now!
Fri, 05/21/2010 - 16:31 by admin
Making a YourCover magazine cover is easy and fun to do, but here are some of my personal tips to help you along the way...
1) A Picture Says A Thousand Words

The most important part of your custom magazine cover is starting with a great picture.  What does it mean to have a great picture?  Photo quality is key!  We recommend an image with a pixel dimension of 1024x1280.  The higher the resolution the better!  Keep in mind that most photo-sharing sites such as facebook or snapfish do not provide images with a high enough resolution. 

You also don't want your photo to be too busy.  In fact, if you are making this for someone special, make them the center of attention by choosing a photo where you can see them clearly. 

2) Don't be afraid to get personal!  

The best magazine cover orders we've received have been the ones that have headlines all about the person on the cover!  Yes, we do have some great default headlines AND a fantastic headline library, but that doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't come up with your own headlines!  Talk about something funny that happened, mention an inside joke, or gush over how much you love that person!  You may think it's embarrassing, but the more personal you are, the more memorable the gift!

3) Less is MORE

Choosing fonts can be tricky because we have so many great fonts to choose from, it's hard to figure out which one looks the best! My personal tip for making your magazine cover look more like a real magazine cover is to pick one or two fonts.  When it comes to how many different fonts you use, less is more!  The same goes for the color of the font - keep it to one or two colors.  

4) Think Outside The BOX

Literally.  You aren't completely confined by the text boxes we provide on our custom magazine covers.  In fact, you can use your space bar and "enter" key to manipulate the position of the text so that it can move further down the page to improve spacing or to remove the text from on to someone's face. 

5) Finding Inspiration

I almost always have actual magazines around me for inspiration.  If there is a magazine out there and you want your YourCover to look like it, use it as your inspiration. and by using our font choices and font colors you can emulate that particular magazine's title and style.  Another place I find inspiration is the YourCover gallery where you will find some fantastic magazine covers that have been made by our customers.  I find that having something to look at while I'm creating makes it easier for me to decide what I want and what I don't want on my covers.  

Thu, 05/20/2010 - 20:00 by admin
If you are in search for the best birthday gift ideas for a friend or loved one, a few questions that you should consider as you try to come up with gift ideas are: 
  • Does this person need anything in particular?Personalized Magazine Cover - the Best Birthday Gift Idea!
  • What would be the best gift to express their personality?
  • What are their interests and/or hobbies?
  • Hard to buy for or have everything? - try something new with YourCover!
Even the best birthday gift ideas won't give you the variety of options that you can take advantage of when you create a personalized magazine cover at  We provide you with a great assortment of magazine cover themes, font colors, font types and font sizes to choose from.  In addition, there are default headlines along with a library of suggestions of fun headlines just in case you can't think of what to say.  Plus we also allow you to upload your very own photo for the front cover shot!  It makes for the perfect unique picture gift idea for not just any birthday gift, but for any occasion!  Try it for your dad for a unique Father's day gift or your brother's graduation this year! 

Don't get stuck in the same old normal birthday gift routine!  YourCover has got you covered!  Start creating your personalized magazine cover now for the best birthday gift idea for someone special.
Thu, 05/20/2010 - 18:20 by admin
My little sister is going into fifth grade this coming fall and believe it or not, her school is requiring her to have a laptop. It's crazy to think how quickly technology is becoming a necessity in everyone's lives. Exposure at such a young age can be bad in some ways (too much time inside instead of outside playing), but I think it is a good thing in many ways too.  

Children are learning how to problem-solve, research, and be creative in all different ways, thanks to technology.  The computer is just one way they are learning, but it's also making them tech savvy in a way that will prepare them for using very sophisticated technologies in the future.  I see how my mom still struggles with her cell phone and Blackberry and then I look at my 10 year old sister who's playing games on her Nintendo DSi and iPod Touch.  

For this year's Father's Day, I'm going to be working with her on a Father's Day magazine cover with a golf theme. My dad loves golf and my sister is old enough now and tech-knowledgeable enough to work on this gift with me, even though we're in different states.

A YourCover magazine cover is a great gift for anyone.  They make awesome birthday gifts for guys, unique gifts for mom, a gift for coach or teacher, and pretty much any occasion you can think of! They're so easy to make, even your kids can do it!  Unique photo gift ideas are a fun family project to work on and it doesn't take too much time!  

Just imagine how excited your kids will be when they get to take part in making a gift for mom or dad, or grandma and grandpa, or even a great teacher or coach! Being a part of making it will definitely make gift giving quite the experience for them.  AND you'll get to spend some great quality time with them too!

At YourCover, we believe that the best gift ideas are the ones that come from the heart. Share the experience! Make a photo magazine cover today!
Tue, 05/18/2010 - 19:08 by admin
Big excitement for YourCover over the Mother's Day weekend when Valerie Hoff, the morning anchor at Channel 11 Atlanta (WXIA), decided that she loved the idea of creating a personalized photo magazine cover for her mom for Mother's Day.

Valerie logged in to our site, uploaded a photo of her mom and then personalized the headlines so that they poked a bit of fun but at the same time let her mom know how much she was admired and loved.  She let her viewers know that our customized magazine covers are great for Mother's Day but that they are also a terrific personalized gift idea for Father's Day, Graduation or a milestone birthday.

Below is quick video of the segment from Valerie's show that featured YourCover on Saturday May 8.  So take a page from Valerie and create your personalized photo magazine cover for your next gift-giving opportunity - it's a custom gift idea that is sure to surprise and please the recipient!
Mon, 05/17/2010 - 20:29 by admin
I don't know about you, but my to-do list just seems to be getting longer and longer!  Among the normal things like laundry and vacuuming; I've also been meaning to do a late spring cleaning, set-up my vegetable garden, go for a hike, read a good book, etc. There's just so much to do and so little time.  

On top of all of that, there are several birthdays and occasions coming up that I need to start working on!  I'm the type of person who absolutely loves gift giving, even more than receiving them! Unique photo gift ideas are the best and easiest ways to show someone how much you care. The great thing about a YourCover magazine cover is that we provide you with a downloadable option, making it an instant gift!  An instant gift is perfect for someone like me who has a lot on their plate, but still likes to make occasions very special.  

If you're constantly on the go and you have a million things you need to get done, make a YourCover magazine cover for your next gift.  You can do it anywhere, as long as you have a computer to use and download it in a instant!
Mon, 05/17/2010 - 16:54 by admin
Personalized Father's Day Magazine CoverI cannot believe that Father's Day is approaching already.

This time of year is hectic!  Besides Mother's Day and Father's Day, there are also Graduations, Communions and Weddings to attend, when will I actually get a chance to think about a gift for each and every person!?  With YourCover personalized magazine covers, I can choose between a variety of magazine cover templates to find the one that best suits the occassion. 

What I like best about this personalized photo gift idea, is the fact that there are default headlines in there for me!  I don't have to think up headlines from scratch...let's face it...I'd be here all day if that was the case!  With all the other events I have to purchase gifts for, I don't have time for that so it's great to be able to see lots of choices and then personalize the headline with a name and I'm done!

Creating this personalized gift idea was quick, easy and fun to do to!  Any father would be happy to showcase a personalized magazine cover on his desk or in his home.  Get started now on your unique photo gift idea for your dad!
