Unique Personalized Father's Day Gift
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Unique Personalized Father's Day Gift

Father's day is fast approaching.  What are you getting for your dad this year? Another card?

According to www.chiff.com, 
"Nearly 95 million Father’s Day cards were given last year in the United States, making Father’s Day the fourth-largest card-sending occasion."

Can you believe that?! 95 million cards! Also, why are neckties always associated with Father's Day? I remember making necktie arts and crafts in school whenever Father's Day was coming.  Don't you think dad has enough cards and ties by now? 
Unique Father's Day Gift
This year, make something really special for dad. A custom magazine cover is perfect. You can say so much more than you can with a plain old card you pick up at the grocery store. My dad is kind of a food snob, loves nice wine and cigars, and absolutely loves golf. Me, a poor "just out of college graduate with no money" can't really afford to take him out to a really nice dinner or out for a round of golf.  

This cool custom magazine cover is great because I can still say Happy Father's Day and touch on his favorite things, mention some of his silly habits, and get really personal all without breaking the bank.  

Moreover, the chiff.com article continued to say that, "Sons and daughters represent 50 percent of the Father's Day card purchases whereas nearly 20 percent of Father’s Day cards are purchased by wives for their husbands. That leaves 30 percent of the cards which go to grandfathers, sons, brothers, uncles and someone special." 

This unique personalized gift is perfect for everyone.  Your dad is not the only Father! You can make one for a brother, grandfather, an uncle...whoever! Replace boring cards with a gift from YourCover.com where gifts come from the heart!  
