Congrats Grad!
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Congrats Grad!

My brother is a senior in college and is graduating this May.  Being a recent grad myself, I can understand what an exciting, scary, and fulfilling moment it can be all at once.  Because his school is too far away for most of the family to attend the actual ceremony, I thought it would be a cool idea to do something special for him to let him know how proud we all are (even if not everyone is there cheering him on).  I came up with a unique personalized gift idea that I thought I'd share...

I decided to help my mom out by creating the invitations for the event.  Most college grads-to-be, if not all, take a cap and gown photo early in the year.  My brother already had his done (for the yearbook).  I decided to take this photo and make a photo magazine cover.  The front cover would highlight all of his favorite activities and accomplishments, while the back cover would serve as a place to put the party information such as place, time, RSVP, etc.

This personalized gift idea is great because it serves so many purposes.  Not only is it an invitation, but it's also a keepsake for friends and family to admire and frame! 

If you know someone who is graduating soon, whether from college or high school, a YourCover custom magazine cover is THE perfect gift.

Here's how I made my invite!

1. It's very important that you have a good quality photo when you make a cover because the higher the resolution, the better the cover.  The graduation picture I used was an actual photo print so I took it to my local printing store to have it scanned.  If you have a scanner, you can of course do it yourself.  In both cases, make sure that the pictures are scanned at the highest resolution possible.  

2. Go to and Sign Up for an account.  An account is great because you can start working on a cover, save it, and then come back to finish it later on if you don't have time to do it all at once.  Having an account also saves all of the covers you order so that re-ordering is very easy.  If you already have an account, just LOGIN and get started!

3. Using the Graduation template, I used the Front Cover headlines to say things like, "Help Alex Get Ready To Party!"  Then, using the back cover, I added more photos and used the space for the event details, making sure that the event TIME, PLACE, and RSVP information was easy to read and hard to miss.

4. Right now, YourCover does not produce bulk orders, but we're working on it!  I ordered the Front and Back Cover Download and printed 30 copies at my local printing store (such as Kinkos or Staples).    

My family loved it, and yours will too.  

For more great custom gift ideas, visit us at