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Steve & Amelia
Mom and Dad
Wonderful in Connecticut-
and Counting
and Counting
15 Years
On How To
Wife Happy
Wife Happy
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Headline Ideas Dialog x
- General:All About Their First Date…At Least What They Can Remember
- General:Why We Love…Each Other!
- General:Why We Love (food, movie, actor, etc.)
- General:Why We Hate (food, movie, actor, etc.)
- General:Why They Are Meant for Each Other
- General:The Kids Weigh In - (names of children) Remember Growing Up With Mom And Dad
- General:(Wife's Name) And (Husband's Name) Throughout the Years
- General:Tips From (name) On How To Keep Your (Husband/Wife) Happy
- General:Top Ten Ways To Help {Name} Celebrate Their Anniversary
- General:Top Ten Reasons {Name} Are Perfect Together
- General:The Real Story Behind (interesting personal story)
- General:The Inside Story On (interesting personal story/quirk)
- General:How It All Started - (how they met)
- General:How They Did It - It's Not What You Think
- General:5 Things We Won't Tell The Kids
- General:Why {Name} Make Such A Great Couple
- General:(name's) Opinions On Life - Hang On This May Take Awhile
- Nicknames:How They Came To Call (Him/Her) (nickname)
- Nicknames:Why (name) Is Also Known As (nickname)
- Nicknames:The Inside Story On Why (He/She/Name) Was Called (nickname) As A Child
- Nicknames:Why (He/She/Name) Doesn't Like To Be Called (nickname
- Shopping:Shopping With (name) - It's OK As Long As It's For (item)
- ShoppingShopping With (name) And (names of friends/spouse/child) - Can You Keep Up?
- ShoppingOnce Upon A Mall - Shopping With (name). Can You Keep Up?
- ShoppingHot Fashion Tips From (name)
- Age:On Top Of The Hill - Not Over It!
- Age:All About (individual's former job/interest/etc)…At Least What (He/She) Can Remember
- Age:(name) On Being (age)
- Age:(Age) and Carefree…That's Me
- Age:(Name) On The Family Secret For Longevity
- Age:Super At (age) - The Anniversary Couple On Their Own Fountain Of Youth
- Location/Travel:Wonderful In (residing State) - (number) Years And Counting
- Location/Travel:Why (name of home town) Is The Center Of The Universe
- Location/Travel:Remembering (name of former home town)
- Location/Travel:What (name) Really Thinks Of (town or vacation spot)
- Location/Travel:(name's) Hot Vacation Spots - Pack Your Bags!
- Location/Travel:Vacation Memories Of (favorite vacation spot)
- Location/Travel:Escape From (disliked town, location) - (name's) Inside Story
- Location/Travel:Traveling Tips From (name)
- Location/Travel:(name's) Hot Tips For Winning Big In Vegas
- Location/Travel:On The Road With {Name}
- Sports:What Is So Wrong With (sport)
- Sports:Why (name) Hates (sport)
- Sports:Why (name) Loves (sport)
- Sports:(name) Tries To Make (spouse) A Fan Of The (favorite sport team)
- Sports:Why The (name of sport team) Are (His/Her/Their) Team
- Sports:Why (He/She/They) Loves (sport or team) But Hates (sport or team)
- Sports:Take A Hike! Actually (name) Likes To Do That!
- Sports:What (name) Has Against (sport)
- Sports:The Inside Story On (name's) (Hole In One/Home Run/Perfect Game/Bowling 300/etc)
- Sports:(Name) On Being A (team's name) Fan
- Sports:Everybody In The Pool
- Sports:20 Hot (sport/game) Tips From (name)
- Sports:Why The (favorite team) Are Cool But The (disliked team) Are Not
- Sports:Sand Traps and (name) - No Day At The Beach
- Sports:All About (His/Her/Their) Devotion To (team name) - Go (team's nickname)
- Food:Why (name) Hates (food)
- Food:Why (name) Loves (food)
- Food:Why (name) Loves To Eat Out (At name of restaurant if applicable)
- Food:What Is So Wrong With (disliked food)
- Food:What (Name) Has Against (food)
- Food:(Name) On (His/Her) Problems With (food)
- Food:Why (name) Can't Live Without (favorite food/drink)
- Animals:(type of hated animal repeated twice) Why Does It Always Have To Be (repeat name of disliked animal)
- Animals:(names of pets or types of pets) Rule The Roost
- Animals:All About (His/Her/Name's) No Pet Policy
- Animals:Who Let The Dog(s) In?
- Animals:Who Let the Dog(s) Out?