Create YourCover

The Magazine For Celebrating A Very special occasion
Month Day, 20XX
13 Years Old
And So
Grown Up!
Grown Up!
The Big Party:
Five Big
Rachel's Fantastic Fashion
The Dress!
Those Shoes!
Those Shoes!

We are building YOUR COVER now! This can take up to a minute. Please be patient ...
Headline Ideas Dialog x
- General: Let's Get This Party Started!
- General: Why (party theme) Rules!
- General: {Name} Exposed! (friend/sibling's name) Tells All!
- General: The Truth About {Name}
- General: Exposed! {Name}'s Secret Undercover Life Revealed!
- General: Top Ten Ways To Help {Name} Celebrate Her Bat Mitzvah
- General: (Significant Person) Tells {Name} About (any variety of subjects)
- General: (Her/Name's) Days At (name of school/synagogue)
- General: (Name of Friend or Sibling) On Growing Up With {Name}
- General: The Dangers of (interest)
- General: {Name} On The 5 Things She'll Never Tell (Mom & Dad or other name)
- General: {Name}'s Life At (school)
- General: The Real Story Behind (party theme or interesting personal story)
- General: The Inside Story On (interesting personal story/quirk)
- General: Why {Name} Hates (whatever she dislikes)
- General: Why {Name} Loves (something she loves)
- General: Rabbi (name) Tries Not To Look Too Relieved
- General: Cantor {Name} Knew That (name) Could Do It
- General: {Name} On Being 13
- General: 13 and Carefree…That's Me
- General: Why 13 is a Lucky Number After All
- Nicknames: How She Came To Be Called (nickname)
- Nicknames: Why {Name} Is Also Known As (nickname)
- Nicknames: The Inside Story On Why She Was Called (nickname) As A Child
- Nicknames: Why She Doesn't Like To Be Called (nickname)
- Nicknames: Why {Name} Says, "Don't Call Me (nickname) Anymore"
- Entertainment: Why (favorite movie) Blows (disliked movie) Away
- Entertainment: Why (favorite band) Blows (disliked band) Away
- Entertainment: {Name}'s Top 10 Reasons She Should Have (a high tech gadget)
- Entertainment: Shopping With {Name} And (names of friends) - Can You Keep Up?
- Entertainment: {Name}'s Tips To Avoid Video Game Thumb
- Entertainment: Why {Name} Can't Live Without IM
- Entertainment: What's the Deal With (favorite band/tv show/hobby)?
- Shopping: Shopping With {Name} And (names of friends) - Can You Keep Up?
- Shopping: Once Upon A Mall - Shopping With {Name}. Can You Keep Up?
- Shopping: Hot Fashion Tips From {Name}
- Location/Travel: Why (name of home town) Is The Center Of The Universe
- Location/Travel: What {Name} Really Thinks Of (town or vacation spot)
- Location/Travel: {Name}'s Hot Vacation Spots - Pack Your Bags!
- Location/Travel: Vacation Memories Of (favorite vacation spot)
- Location/Travel: Escape From (disliked town, location) - (name's) Inside Story
- Location/Travel: Traveling Tips From {Name}
- Sports: Why {Name} Hates (sport)
- Sports: Why {Name} Loves (sport)
- Sports: {Name} Tries To Make (friend) A Fan Of The (favorite sport team)
- Sports: Why The (name of sport team) Are Her Team
- Sports: Why (She/name) Loves (sport or team) But Hates (sport or team)
- Sports: Take A Hike! Actually {Name} Likes To Do That!
- Sports: What {Name} Has Against (sport)
- Sports: The Inside Story On {Name}'s (Hole In One/Home Run/Perfect Game/Bowling 300/etc)
- Sports: (Name) On Being A (team's name) #1 Fan
- Sports: 20 Hot (game/sports) Tips From {Name}
- Sports: Why The (favorite team) Are Cool But The (disliked team) Are Not
- Sports: All About Her Devotion To (team name) - Go (team's nickname)
- Sports: {Name} on the Dangers of (sport/hobby/interest)
- Food: Why {Name} Hates (food)
- Food: Why {Name} Loves (food)
- Food: Why {Name} Loves To Eat Out At (name of favorite restaurant)
- Food: What Is So Wrong With (disliked food)
- Food: What {Name} Has Against (food)
- Food: {Name} On Her Aversion To (food)
- Food: Why {Name} Can't Live Without (favorite food/drink)