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Arthur Reed
High School:
High School:
A Look Back
at Forty Years
On The Job
at Forty Years
On The Job
Arthur Is Looking Forward to
More Sailing Time
With Annie
With Annie
The Magazine For Those Moving On to Better Things

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Headline Ideas Dialog x
- Retirement-Specific: Top Ten Ways To Help {Name} Celebrate (his/her) Retirement
- Retirement-Specific: (company name) Laments Its Loss Of {Name}
- Retirement-Specific: (things retiree plans to do) Are All On The Retirement Agenda
- Retirement-Specific: (His/Her) Friends At (company name) Recall {Name}'s Best Contributions
- Retirement-Specific: (company name's) Salute To The Retiree
- Retirement-Specific: {Name}'s Pals At (company name) Recall (His/Her)) Most Embarrassing Moments
- Retirement-Specific: {Name} Looks Forward To More Time To Perfect (something they like to do - His Golf Swing, Her Cake Icing, His BBQ Technique, etc.)
- Retirement-Specific: {Name} Recounts (His/Her) Brutal (number) Mile Commute To Work
- Retirement-Specific: Remember (year started working)? A Look Back On (number) Years On The Job
- General: What Is The Deal With (favorite band/tv show/hobby)?
- General: (friend's name) Tells {Name} About (any variety of subjects)
- General: (Friends' names) Help {Name} Get Ready To Party
- General: (His/Her) Days At (company)
- General: (Friend or Sibling) On Growing Up With {Name}
- General: The Dangers Of (interest)
- General: (Names of children or friends) Praise (Mom/Dad/name) For All To Hear
- General: The Real Story Behind (party theme or interesting personal story)
- General: The Inside Story On (interesting personal story/quirk)
- General: Remembering (His/Her) Days As A (scout leader, club member, former occupation,etc)
- General: All About Being A (occupation, hobby, interest)
- General: (spouse/friend) Drops Hints About Some Of {Name}'s Most Embarrassing Moments
- General: Why {Name} Hates (whatever person dislikes)
- General: Why {Name} Loves (something person loves)
- Nicknames: How They Came To Call (Him/Her) (nickname)
- Nicknames: Why {Name} Is Also Known As (nickname)
- Nicknames: The Inside Story On Why (He/She) Was Called (nickname) As A Child
- Nicknames: Why (He/She) Doesn't Like To Be Called (nickname)
- Shopping: Shopping With {Name} - It's OK As Long As It's For (item)
- Shopping: Shopping With {Name} And (names of friends/spouse/child) - Can You Keep Up?
- Shopping: Once Upon A Mall - Shopping With {Name}. Can You Keep Up?
- Age: On Top Of The Hill - Not Over It!
- Age: All About (individual's job/interest/etc)…At Least What (He/She) Can Remember
- Age: {Name} On Being (age)
- Age: (Age) and Carefree…That's Me
- Age: {Name} On The Family Secret For Longevity
- Age: Super At (age) - The Retiree Discusses (His/Her) Own Fountain Of Youth
- Location/Travel: Why (name of home town) Is The Center Of The Universe
- Location/Travel: Remembering (name of former home town)
- Location/Travel: What {Name} Really Thinks Of (town or vacation spot)
- Location/Travel: {Name}'s Hot Vacation Spots - Pack Your Bags!
- Location/Travel: Vacation Memories Of (favorite vacation spot)
- Location/Travel: Escape From (disliked town, location) - (name's) Inside Story
- Location/Travel: Traveling Tips From {Name}
- Location/Travel: {Name}'s Hot Tips For Winning Big In Vegas
- Sports: What Is So Wrong With (sport)
- Sports: Why {Name} Hates (sport)
- Sports: Why {Name} Loves (sport)
- Sports: {Name] Tries To Make (spouse/friend) A Fan Of The (favorite sport team)
- Sports: Why The (name of sport team) Are (His/Her) Team
- Sports: Why (He/She/name) Loves (sport or team) But Hates (sport or team)
- Sports: Take A Hike! Actually {Name} Likes To Do That!
- Sports: What {Name} Has Against (sport)
- Sports: The Inside Story On {Name}'s (Hole In One/Home Run/Perfect Game/Bowling 300/etc)
- Sports: {Name} On Being A (team's name) Fan
- Sports: Everybody In The Pool
- Sports: 20 Hot (sport/game) Tips From {Name}
- Sports: Why The (favorite team) Are Cool But The (disliked team) Are Not
- Sports: Sand Traps And (name) - No Day At The Beach
- Sports: All About (His/Her) Devotion To (team name) - Go (team's nickname)
- Food: Why {Name} Hates (food)
- Food: Why {Name} Loves (food)
- Food: Why {Name} Loves To Eat Out (At name of restaurant if applicable)
- Food: What Is So Wrong With (disliked food)
- Food: What {Name} Has Against (food)
- Food: {Name} On (His/Her) Problems With (food)
- Food: Why {Name} Can't Live Without (favorite food/drink)
- Animals: (type of hated animal repeated twice) Why Does It Always Have To Be (repeat name of disliked animal)
- Animals: (names of pets or types of pets) Rule The Roost
- Animals: All About (His/Her/Name's) No Pet Policy
- Animals: Who Let The Dog(s) In?
- Animals: Who Let the Dog(s) Out?
- Relationships: Why (They or two names) Are Made For Each Other
- Relationships: (name and name) Throughout The Years
- Relationships: The Kids Weigh In: (names of children/siblings/friend) On Growing Up With (Mom/Dad/name)
- Relationships: Why (two names) Make Such A Great Couple
- Relationships: (name of opinionated friend or relative or guest of honor) Opinions On Life - Hang On This May Take Awhile
- Relationships: (Opinionated Friend) Takes Time To Offer A Few Opinions. You May Want To Sit Down For This